

Experience top-tier critical care at our ICU department. Equipped with cutting-edge technology and staffed by a dedicated team of skilled professionals, we prioritize your well-being.

Ultrasound, frequently referred to as sonography, is a common type of medical imaging that produces pictures of the inside of the body by using high-frequency sound waves. In the setting of a hundred-bed, Batra cardiac, and multispecialty hospital, ultrasonography is critical in the diagnosis and monitoring of a wide range of medical disorders.

Ultrasound plays an important role in the area of cardiology for performing echocardiograms, which are used to examine the anatomy and function of the heart. These tests help cardiologists in evaluating the heart’s pumping motion, looking for anomalies in the heart valves, and diagnosing signs of heart disease. Ultrasound technology provides comprehensive views of the heart and its surrounding components, which is helpful for identifying and managing cardiac problems.

In the environment of a multispecialty hospital like Batra, ultrasonography is utilized as well in departments including obstetrics and gynecology, radiology, cancer, and internal medicine. Ultrasound is used in obstetrics to monitor the development of the fetus throughout pregnancy, look at fetal growth, and identify any potential anomalies. It is used in gynecology to evaluate reproductive organs and identify illnesses such as fibroids and ovarian cysts.

Ultrasound is utilized in radiology departments for a number of diagnostic purposes, including inspecting the belly, pelvis, and blood arteries. As ultrasonic imaging is non-invasive, it is useful to diagnose diseases such as gallstones, kidney stones, and liver illness. Furthermore, ultrasound-guided treatments such as biopsies and fluid collection drainage may be accomplished within minutes.

Furthermore, ultrasound technology plays a role in the field of oncology, where it is used to assist in the detection and staging of tumors. It aids in guiding biopsies and assessing the response to cancer treatments. The versatility of ultrasound allows it to be used in conjunction with other imaging modalities to provide a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s condition.

In a hundred bed hospital like Batra, having ultrasound capabilities on-site is crucial for providing timely and comprehensive care to patients across different specialties. The non-invasive nature of ultrasound, along with its ability to produce real-time images, makes it a valuable tool for both diagnostic and interventional purposes. Additionally, the portability of certain ultrasound machines allows for imaging services to be brought directly to the patient’s bedside, enhancing accessibility and convenience.

Ultimately, ultrasound technology plays a critical role in the diagnostic and clinical workflow of a multispecialty hospital like Batra, enabling healthcare professionals to make accurate diagnoses, guide interventions, and monitor patients’ progress across a wide range of medical conditions.


Why choose

Batra Heart & Multispecialty Hospital for Heart Ailments?
  • An expert team of experienced Cardiologists with more then 20 years experience.
  • Comprehensive Heart Care from Preventive to Diagnostic and Therapeutic
  • Multidisciplinary Care for all kinds of Heart Ailments
  • 24X7 Heart Attack (mycardio infraction) Support
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